E nforcing Iranian Mahr contracts for the delivery of Iranian gold coins is in Ontario for family law purposes, a domestic contract which...
Sabs Deemed Payable Provisions
The obligation is generally on the insured person to show or prove that an expense relating to a certain claimed Benefit is reasonable...
Appointment of a Receiver and Supervisory Role of the Court
The appointment of a receiver is a discretionary order made by the Court pursuant to the provisions of s. 101 of the Courts of Justice...
Inputing Income
The Family Law Act Section 19 of the Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F-3, as amended, is the statutory provision that relates to the...
Reinstatement of Life Insurance Policy
Life Insurance Policy Lapse The Importance of the Payment of the Insurance Premium The law is well settled that the punctual payment of...
Speaker's Corner: It’s time for a consumer insurance bureau in Ontario
Personal injury professionals have expressed much consternation of late about the drastic changes to the Insurance Act and the statutory...